Saturday, May 29, 2010


I was full of second chances,
And you were full of bullshit.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'm in the middle of exams at the minute, so my blogging skills are lacking.
I wrote a song today, but I don't think I'd post it. You'd really have to hear it.

I hate couples. I mean, I really really hate couples.
When I'm in a couple, I still hate couples. Possibly even my own couple, depending on how we're acting.

I lose friends to couples. Good friends, friends I trusted. They just up and leave. And I can't understand that, because I'm not like that. I couldn't just abandon my friends for someone I like. I wouldn't be able to stand it.

People in couples are lovely on their own. Separate from their other half. But some couples act like the other is their life force. They act like they need them to survive. They don't. Really. You don't.

You can live without them, you know. It is totally possible.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rambling on.

If you took a tour into my mind, you find it hard to see between all the cobwebs.
I like memories-the happy, shiny kind. If I could take all those memories, and put them in a box that I could open whenever I felt like it, I would be as happy as a pig in muck.
I can't do that though.

My memories, good and bad, just tend to hit me at odd moments. Like I smell something, and BAM, memory. I see something, BAM, memory. It goes on and on.
Sometimes, I'm ready for them. I can defend myself from them. They won't hurt me.
Sometimes, I can't. Sometimes, they take the wind out of me, and I deflate. I can be anywhere, anytime, and it will happen.

It's shit. It's a shit feeling.
But I deal.

Because I'm human.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Musicy Speaky.

Right. The subject is Cathy Davey- The Nameless.
She's an unbelievably talented singer. I would know-I've seen her 3 times. (And going to see her again on friday- EXCITED).
Her new album is different then her other stuff, I reckon. I feel that it is more raw, more passionate, and quite possibly about how she's dealing with a bad break-up- although that is just a theory.

Pick it up.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Just Have A Little Faith

I love the trust my parents have in me.
In the last two days, I went for two walks with an old friend, and because he's a guy, Mam just interrogated me as to whether I'm going out with him or not. Hii Suspicious.
She won't believe that I'm not either.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Someday I might actually make it home before 4am. It's not likely though.

I had a fantastic weekend, it was pretty darn immense.
Also met a really cute guy who likes Doctor Who. Yes. This is awesome.

Also, hi, you've started talking to me again. Which is kinda weird because you know, you blanked me for like 3 months. Say what?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Franky Baby

Yeah, okay. Hi Blogpost, I'm writing you because Frank just did this. And he pointed out earlier, I've never once blogged about him, which is unusual.

Hi Frank.
Frank, Frank, Frank. Where do I start, Francis Michael Thomas Stephen Roddy?

Frank and I go back a good while, as you can tell if you read that link. I love the boy to bits, as much as I sometimes want to hit him for being awkward with his love interests and for procrastinating, and for the fact I had to ring him and text him repeatedly to do that faithful deed in January. But regardless, he's pretty damn awesome. I was going to say amazing, but I know he prefers the term awesome.

Frank likes to laugh at my love life quite a lot. Hell, I like to laugh at my love life quite a lot. It's quite funny. The most memorable reference to it from him went something like this.
Me: Man, I love Moulin Rouge.
Frank: Only you would find a love story about a prostitute cute.
Me: But it's amazing!
Frank: Ri, It's basically your love life. Except yours is more dramatic.

But even though he laughs at all the boys, and all the "wait, why did I do that?" moments in my life, I know he'll be there for me when things get low. He's proven that point a few times.

Plus, he stood up for me. When a certain someone, who in fairness doesn't like me for a good reason, and technically Frank's the reason she doesn't like me, was saying shit, Frank was all like, "Woah, shut up now". So yeah, awesomeness.

However he did forget one of the plans of ours for the summer. He is walking me to my house from town, and having food and movies. We probably won't watch the movie. Not that way, guys, Cathal, NO. I'm like his mother. He'll probably just laugh at the amount of people I say is a ride and we'll debate on it. He doesn't have the same taste as me. Sometimes, his women look like pokemon. Or they're crazy. True story, it's all in their eyes.

Frank shall be mentioned more in this blog, simply because I think I talk to him more then like anyone. Well except Sinead, but even then, some days, Frank is definitely more so there.

I also always get him in trouble with Shauna, which is fun. I now think of her as Sha, dammit. And I influence him to do things, like trolling. He taught me that word, he did. I can use culchie language now because of him. Though I shouldn't be proud of that.

But yeah, here you go Franky baby.
Franky baby, hurry down my chimney tonight, oh oh...
I better text you now and tell you to look at this.
Love ya dude.
Ri x

I Wish She Was...



I made a pact with myself, that I've already broken, that I would blog everyday. But in fairness, I've an excuse.

Friday night; Girly night in Clo's.
Saturday night;Went to Evita in Dublin, somehow ended up at a gaff party.
Sunday night; Went to see Cathy Davey with Sinead.

So it was a pretty good weekend, if you can tell!

Things are still bothering me, I'm still getting repeats of that dream about Mr. Artsy. Some people and I are still not completely back to normal, others are amazing and I adore them all over again. Saturday night was good for me, in a weird kind of way. Sunday too, I needed Sinead time badly.

Sinead said something to me yesterday, that made me think a little.
She was laughing, talking about how I was acting with someone. She told me she knows how unconfident I am, that I never think anyone would like me, how paranoid I am, ect. And then she laughed, and said I can put on an amazing front of confidence though with people. In her own words, I put on my "Yeah, I know I'm a fucking ride" act. And yet, that's all it is.
An act.